Tuesday, December 22, 2009

La Fuente, Lajero and Las Managuas receive Filtrones

Fabretto teacher Jessenia (left) teaches mothers from Las Managuas (right) how to use filtrones

Martin (left) reads filtron instructions to his family; Cristina and her daughter-in-law (right) show off new filtrones in La Fuente

Thanks again to Matt Wesley and assistance from the Sheil Northwestern Group, we recently distributed over 60 filtrones in 3 communities. We specifically targeted communities with open, untreated water sources. Residents paid between $1.50 and $2 each (about 5% of the overall cost). The response was overwhelming. In La Fuente, about 13 households bought filtrones. The next day, over 40 filtrones were distributed in Lajero and 10 more in Las Managuas (graciously funded by Canterbury School). People from other communities are begging us to carry out identical projects in their villages and we are currently planning for 2010.

Filtrones will also be installed in the houses of our special health cases. Martin Diaz, pictured above, is already using his.

1 comment:

  1. awesome Mike!!!
    and awesome to see Martin standing and chillin!
